Stefan Kaufmann / Autor BankingHub

Stefan Kaufmann


Stefan Kaufmann is a Partner at zeb and responsible for strategic projects in the areas of management and IT for regional banks. He mainly manages and supports projects for savings banks, the savings banks association and data centres, e.g. in the context of regulatory initiatives.

He also works on the development of bank-wide simulation models, the realignment of integrated performance and risk management and the implementation of risk reporting.


Office Münster
Hammer Str. 165
48153 Münster


+49 251 97128-143

Articles by Stefan Kaufmann

Treasury goes green: green funding

Green funding: ESG has arrived in treasury

ESG has become a key topic of public debate. It is also being widely discussed within the financial services industry. In this article, we focus on the funding aspect, using green bonds and customer deposits as specific examples.

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