Human Resources

Digital transformation and challenges in HR management

Nowadays, HR has to assume the role of change manager and enabler more than ever before. For companies in the financial industry, agility and the ability to change continuously are major survival factors.

Generation Z: expectations from their employer!

What Generation Z professionals really expect from their employer!

What characterizes Generation Z, whose demands are disrupting the labor market? And how can companies ensure that they remain attractive to young talent as the
Employee health as a critical success factor

Employee health as a critical success factor: can corporate culture serve as a cure-all?

The existence of psychological safety not only fosters a health-oriented corporate culture but also underpins organizational high performance!
social media recruiting

Social media recruiting in response to the shortage of skilled workers

What is social media recruiting and what needs to be considered?
People silhouettes against glass as metaphor for culture and strategy in banks as keys to success?

Culture and strategy in banks as keys to success?

What drives companies’ performance and success? How do they know who has to do what? What makes employees strive for the ongoing success of
Is a personnel strategy smart without AI?

Is a personnel strategy smart without AI?

Looking into the future, we can already state: a personnel strategy without systematic use of AI components will hardly stand a chance of achieving
Not here to stay – the challenge of employee retention

Not here to stay – the challenge of employee retention

The “disloyal” Generation Z: ways to successfully retain employees. Gap between staff recruitment and staff retention
Human Resources: Labor shortage: competition for workers is intensifying

Labor shortage rather than skills shortage: competition for workers is intensifying

The word “skilled” will have to be deleted from the phrase “shortage of skilled workers”!
Candidate sourcing

Candidate sourcing in regional banks

An approach, which recruitment consultancies have been using for a long time and for good reason.
Shortage of skilled workers in banks and insurance companies

Shortage of skilled workers – an existential threat to banks and insurance companies

Skilled workers will be in short supply in Germany in the future. One in 14 positions will be unfilled in about seven years.
Leadership in times of change

Leadership in times of (cultural) change: Four principles

Leadership has to be different now. But how exactly?
Unconscious bias: diversity concerns us all

Unconscious bias: diversity concerns us all

Why should we address unconscious biases? Answers and anti-bias strategies.
IOT concept as metaphor for "Working in Corona Quarantine"

Working in Corona Quarantine

3 weeks to foster productivity.
Silhouettes of hikers climbing the mountain at sunset as a metaphor for employee activation

Employee activation as a critical change measure for success

Change for restructuring efforts.

Bank clerk crisis – The financial sector’s fight for talents

How banks can position themselves in the fight for attractive talents.

The human factor – Active qualification and management of personnel as a success factor of ORG/IT

High requirements for ORG/IT personnel.

A joint success — Architectural illustrations as change tool

Target images as important contribution to bridge the gap between gridlocked opinions.


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