Gen Z

Maria Mondry, Head of Banking at Tomorrow in an interview about financial literacy

How financially literate is Gen Z? An interview with Tomorrow

What similarities and differences are there between Generation Z and other generations in their handling of, attitude towards and knowledge of their own finances? This
Generation Z: expectations from their employer!

What Generation Z professionals really expect from their employer!

What characterizes Generation Z, whose demands are disrupting the labor market? And how can companies ensure that they remain attractive to young talent as the
Determining heirs, shaping the future – estate forecasting

Determining heirs, shaping the future – estate forecasting

In the coming years, banks must aim to identify heirs and promote the retention of inheritable assets that are at risk of migration – the
Digital generated image of young woman jumping as metaphor for asset manage­ment: invest­ment pro­ducts in a world of Net­flix, Tik­Tok et al.

Asset manage­ment: invest­ment pro­ducts in a world of Net­flix, Tik­Tok and others

Quo vadis, retail business in asset management? How is the market evolving and what does this mean for asset managers?
Banking for Gen Z: Interview with pockid

Banking for Gen Z – quo vadis pockid?

How can we win over Generation Z to financial products? Interview with Jes Hennig, co-founder and CEO at pockid.

Bank clerk crisis – The financial sector’s fight for talents

How banks can position themselves in the fight for attractive talents.


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