
Simon Läpple, economics graduate and certified restructuring manager, Magnit

Skill-based recruiting in the financial sector

Interview with Simon Läpple, Magnit, about agile approaches to pursue his vision of a collaboration between companies and talented employees that is beneficial to
Generation Z: expectations from their employer!

What Generation Z professionals really expect from their employer!

What characterizes Generation Z, whose demands are disrupting the labor market? And how can companies ensure that they remain attractive to young talent as the
social media recruiting

Social media recruiting in response to the shortage of skilled workers

What is social media recruiting and what needs to be considered?
Human Resources: Labor shortage: competition for workers is intensifying

Labor shortage rather than skills shortage: competition for workers is intensifying

The word “skilled” will have to be deleted from the phrase “shortage of skilled workers”!
Candidate sourcing

Candidate sourcing in regional banks

An approach, which recruitment consultancies have been using for a long time and for good reason.
Shortage of skilled workers in banks and insurance companies

Shortage of skilled workers – an existential threat to banks and insurance companies

Skilled workers will be in short supply in Germany in the future. One in 14 positions will be unfilled in about seven years.
Diversity in German banks: Gender diversity

Diversity in German banks: Shocking figures for gender diversity on the management boards

It’s not about political correctness nor about feminism – it’s all about economic success


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