Research & Markets

Economic developments, dynamics, opportunities and potentials in banking

Observations and analyses of the current state of the banking sector, market volumes and margins of banking products and offers as well as relevant players in financial services. flash (Issue 23 – October 2017)

I. State of the banking industry In the third quarter of 2017, global banks continued their ongoing solid capital market

Middle Office – The Endangered Species of the Corporate Bank

A Middle office is no longer a must-have function in banking. This is due to product and process standardization as well as automation among

Private Banking Study Luxembourg: Challenges, Trends and Strategies to succeed

A market facing significant upheaval. flash (Issue 22 – Juli 2017)

K E Y T O P I C S I. State of the banking industry The global banking industry lost flash (Issue 21 – April 2017)

K e y t o p i c s I. State of the banking industry The banking sector’s market capitalization
zeb market flash flash (Issue 20 – January 2017)

Key Topics I. State of the banking industry The banking industry has been the biggest winner in the latest stock flash (Issue 19 – October 2016)

K e y  t o p i c s I. State of the banking industry Global top 100 banks increased their

“ pulse check” study: Banks are letting digital transformation wash over them

Majority of banks shy away from modernizing their IT architecture flash (Issue 18 – July 2016)

Key Topics I. State of the banking industry The Brexit decision on June 23rd discontinued the positive trend of the flash (Issue 17 – April 2016)

KEY TOPICS 1. State of the banking industry Global capital markets were massively distressed during the first quarter of 2016—significant (Issue 16 – January 2016)

2015: “another lost year” for the banking industry?

Part II: Complexity kills – How European banking models have to change in a complex world

In the first part of our 2015 European Banking Study we scrutinized the top 50 European banks with respect to their current situation, in

Complexity kills – How European banking models have to change in a complex world

In the aftermath of the past two substantial crises the European banking industry has encountered massive interventions on part of the regulatory authorities (Issue 15 – October 2015)

Key topics 1. State of the banking industry Despite good P/L results in the last quarters, global banks’ market capitalization

The Italian Retail Banking Study

A perspective analysis of retail banking in Italy (Issue 14 – July 2015)

KEY TOPICS 1. State of the banking industry Banks showed best TSR performance of all industry sectors both, in Q2 (Issue 13 – April 2015)

KEY TOPICS 1. State of the banking industry Global banking industry with moderate TSR performance in Q1 2015 (3.1%)—still top

Sustainable Banking – promising business field or gimmick?

Handsome profits on the horizon (Issue 12 – January 2015)

KEY TOPICS 1. State of the banking industry Global banking industry with a strong finish in 2014, as market valuation

European Banking Study 2013/2014 – Management Summary

Banks have to overcome the habit of “thinking in silos”, instead a holistic approach is needed

European Banking Study 2013/2014 – Wholesale Banks

In wholesale banking, purely balance sheet driven business models will not be sustainable

European Banking Study 2013/2014 – Universal Banks

For universal banks, the fight for capital and de-risking remain on top of the strategic agenda

European Banking Study 2013/2014 by zeb

Two substantial crises in the last six years have left the European banking industry in a difficult situation. And even with a view to

European Banking Study 2013/2014 – Retail Banks

Double trouble’s complex consequences require a holistic simulation approach (Issue 11- October 2014)

Key Topics 1. State of the banking industry Global banking industry with significant increase in market cap and solid TSR

The Russian Core Banking Market

As the heart of a bank´s IT is its core banking system, we want to shed some light onto core banking systems running in

Trends in the German credit card market – Technology

German credit card market influenced by three central technological developments

Advanced credit pricing: On the trail of margin drivers

Risk-adjusted pricing of loans ensures in single transactions that individual values are achieved depending on the creditworthiness and collateralization of the customer. Thus, each (Issue 10 – July 2014)

Key topics 1. State of the banking industry Global banking industry with solid increase in market cap and positive TSR — but

Crowdfunding – An overview

Financing through crowdfunding while evading risk assessors of banks has become an increasingly popular phenomenon in the past years


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